Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Creating an Atmosphere

Figaro Pho, the animator, has been inspired by the fact that we love to poke fun at our various fears and idiosyncrasies and takes a light-hearted approach to phobias, because they can be amusing, cryptic, confusing, imaginatively surreal and bizarre. (Adapted from Youtube!)

Pretty amazing animation, particularly the play of lightings and the element of great details in the settings that create the hair-rising, spine-chilling, nerve-racking atmosphere! It inspires me to look deeper into creating suitable settings/scenes for my animation.

(Grr, watching videos/animations sounds like a perfect excuse for procrastination!)

I reckon imitation is a form of learning

There is a tendancy to think that imitation is "cheating", but i reckon it is a form of learning, a fast and efficient way of acquiring new skills. Today's tutorial is highly applicable when it comes to animating movement. I did up a quick and rough sketch of the ski-ing video, and here is the result. (definitely much quicker than doing it frame by frame from scratch!)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy 0th Birthday, Cloud Productions!

Creating an animation alone is not easy! Particularly after doing up the production timeline, i realised the amount of time and effort involved in creating an animation. It really IS a team effort! Well, i guess i decided to go ahead with this because i really wanted to see how my concept pitch will turn out eventually. So, look out for the exceptional animation Cloud Productions is going to present! :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have to share this, it is too hilarious!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who says the Television is Evil?

Intrigued by the caravan of colors and the euphonious music, Baby Max ignored the religious warnings of his mum and indulged in watching the television. His rebellion and mischief create the perfect opportunity for the evil TV to scheme and plot against innocent Baby Max. Driven by a malevolent force, the TV entices Baby Max with food, toys and a pretty girlfriend, which will become real and tangible with simply an effortless act of reaching into the TV. By satisfying his needs and yearnings, Baby Max has nosedived into the TV's final villainous act of devouring and trapping him in the virtual world.
'Who says the television is evil?' is a twisted, dark, cautionary story warning us of the danger of the addiction of watching television.
The process of coming up with the concept pitch was really time consuming. I had so many different ideas flying through my mind, and it took me a long time to focus and finally decide on one concept. But it was definitely fun having many images running through my mind, and picturing how the animation will turn out. I love it that in animation, we are free to express our imagination and there is no limit and boundary in creating the storyline. I am really excited to move on and see how this animation will turn out!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Exploration: An unique and exclusive design language.

We were shown examples of different types of animation during lecture today. It triggles my interest in searching out the various styles, from which I will gather inspiration of the style that I am going for in my first animation project.

Illustration is not fantastic in this clip, but the concept is interesting and humorous.

Taylor McKenzie : Edward The Hamster. BBC Radio4 from Craig Wilkinson on Vimeo.

The sense of playfulness that spices the animation up.

Vegeterrible from Henrik Sønniksen on Vimeo.

Awesome detailing and illustration style.

Galileo from Ghislain Avrillon on Vimeo.

Very subjective and may not appeal to a wide range of audiences, but it can be very evocative.

In-Between Ends from Alex Glawion on Vimeo.

Totally Cool
A great deal of effort!

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

I believe as an animator/illustrator/designer, it is important to have an unique design language that he can relate to personally. The design should not be confined to the precedents, but rather a personalised language that represents the designer. As a beginner, I would love to take the opportunity of these assignments to boldly explore and experiment with a wide range of design styles, as I move on to develop a design language that is uniquely me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am no longer a noob.

As a noob in Macromedia Flash, it was definitely beneficial to be taught the elementary skills of the program before proceeding on to creating an animation. The first two tutorials catalyses the process of me grasping the basics of Flash, and with the allocated time and opportunity to fiddle around the program on our own, I feel more confident after and in fact, rather excited about where the course is heading.

From the 2 animations that I am about to upload, you could probably notice the (negligible) progress that I've made thus far. During the bouncing ball exercise, I experienced difficulties with even the most initial steps of creating the motion of the ball due to misalignment, which has caused me a great deal of effort to fix it. But through this experience, I've learnt that it is essential to be meticulous, precise, and attentive to details.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I came across this image which i thought is rather intriguing and relevant to this course.
There are many different ways to illustrate an object or a character, and it is interesting how we can achieve vastly distinguishing characteristics from a singular object. Our illustrations create the impression the spectator has on the object, and have the power to evoke a broad range of emotions. Hence, in creating a successful animation, we should always fruitfully exploit the multiple ways of how a character/object can be illustrated.